I've been very busy with my metal work business. I'm quite literally grinding away!
Check out my website...www.triskeleforge.com
I've been doing some interesting reading recently. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein. This book apparently inspired the Church of All Worlds. It is funny to read about a possible future from 40 some odd years ago. It's interesting to be in a place where you can say, "Actually they've made it to the moon and nope they haven't put any colonies up there...and they've sent a butt-load of probes to Mars but there's nobody up there!" Just the same, it's an interesting read...I keep imagining that it would make a great movie.
Oh, and have you seen The Secret yet? Heard about it on Oprah? It is a video that praises the power of positive thought and the Law of Attraction (just one of the laws that most Witches are familiar with) which can be harnessed to bring greater prosperity, happiness and health. There are parts that make me raise an eyebrow, but for the most part it has helped me to set myself to thinking more positively. When it comes down to it, positive thought is its own reward! I may write about this again.
Anyhow, that's all for now.